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Su "" parlano di noi.

Martini on 2019: “Only tourism, rent, and beds are growing” Così si intitola l'articolo pubblicato da, sito che ha come obbiettivo essere fonte nel mondo di quello che succede a Venezia, utilizzando la lingua inglese.

The President of the Municipality of Venice, Giovanni Andrea Martini, who is a candidate for Mayor in the 2020 election, offers some thoughts on 2019 and the results of the Brugnaro Administration’s policies.
“This is an administration that has aggravated the fundamental problems and has created new ones”. The judgement of Giovanni Andrea Martini, President of the Municipality of Venice and currently a left-wing candidate for Mayor, who regards a year of the Brugnaro Administration with a very critical view: the acqua granda; the two cruise ship accidents; UNESCO’s refusal to consider Venice an at-risk site, and the clear problems related to the environment and tourism which have shown the world “the fragility of Venice”.


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